Fauda: The Best Show You Haven't Watched

If you want to extricate yourself from the constant onslaught of dreadfully woke American television, consider taking a look at what Israel produces. Fauda, a Netflix series whose fourth season was just released, is a refreshingly serious, consequential, and entertaining show that lets the story do all of the preaching. There is not a single gay character in sight and, in fact, strong and virile men are the non-ironic heroes. Wow, how exhilarating!

Fauda follows a small team of undercover Israeli anti-terrorism operatives. Fluent in Arabic, they are able to operate in Palestine undetected as they carry out missions and gather intelligence. Of course like any good spy show, their cover is always at risk of being blown, so the tension is pretty unrelenting. And while the show is unapologetically pro-Israel, many of the Palestinian characters are sympathetically portrayed. While we will not agree with their war against the Jews, we are somewhat sympathetic to many of the characters who are loyal to their Muslim brethren and believe what they have always been taught.

And, by the way, not all Palestinians are shown as terrorists! Indeed, late in the second season, there is a wonderfully poignant scene between a father and a son. The father works for the Palestinian government in a division that also aims to curb terrorism, while his son has been radicalized. Reasoning with his son while dining in Israel, the father points out that Israel is an amazing country, “like America,” and it will not be brought down overnight. Indeed, Israel isn’t all that bad; look how successful it has proven to be!

Several notable themes present themselves again and again. For one, Israel being forced to operate by a code of conduct that Hamas can ignore presents the viewer with a quandary. No doubt, you will become as blood-thirsty as the terrorists even as you are on the same moral side as the Israelis. Two, a real bond between the male characters is portrayed, and it is far from gay. While the homosexual agenda has not only removed the testosterone from most American TV, it has also killed the reality and portrayal of rich relationships between men, especially men who find themselves relying on one another for survival. The love shared between these warriors is palpable and something that has become non-existent on American television.

Third, Fauda highlights a reality not seen in American programming because it is not seen in American culture. Fauda takes place in the real world. (I realize that sounds quite basic, but if you are aware to what degree we are now denizens of Clown World, then you get it.) When the stakes are high, reality matters. The fantasies and problems of woke America simply make no sense in a country that faces real threats (like Israel) or countries aiming for domination (like Russia and China). It is beyond playing checkers vs. playing chess. In the real world, some cultures believe they can and should dominate others at virtually any cost.

When rainbow flags are mandated to be flown at American embassies or when spy balloons are allowed to parade over America, it is obvious that America is no longer a serious country. We have the luxury of fighting for “LGBT rights” while the rest of the world is acquiring land, natural resources, ports, and gold. We concoct “intelligence” to bring down a sitting president because our global posture is more important than actual American strength.

That peculiar form of American posturing, largely reminiscent of Nero fiddling while Rome is burning, is an unseen character in most contemporary American television. That’s because liberals with MFAs in Creative Writing write everything in America and they buy the globalist, LGBT agenda hook, line, and sinker. In the end, everything in America is spin and perception because we have the luxury of delaying and denying reality. That’s our superpower advantage.

And that lying is what leads to glib, silly, and woke television. Indeed, the woke virus has so infected American “entertainment” that our only hope for serious and thoughtful programming is to look towards foreign creators. I’m old enough that I have subtitles on English-speaking shows, so I’ve already overcome that barrier!

At least in this case, Israel is producing an excellent show because it is steeped in reality and does not force the viewer to consume lies and spin while being entertained. The weak, literally limp-wristed hopes of America’s dumb, overeducated elites are not in the background of Fauda’s teleplay’s pages. The liberal tendencies of American writers would be looked at crossways were they to appear in Fauda’swriters room. Because in the real world, survival and/or domination is the end game more often than not. And having the token trans character moves us straight from the real world and into fantasy land. After a while, it gets exhausting and maddening.

Fauda just does not exist in that world…at least not through the first episode of Season 4. (Hopefully they don’t prove me wrong!) So if you like the spy genre and overly complicated shows where Russia is the bad guy (again) as in Jack Ryan, check out Fauda. Or if you watched The Recruit hoping for something fun, but found it silly and, once again, gay, check out Fauda. As it used to be, it’s pretty clear who the good guys and the bad guys are, and tokenism is strictly forbidden.

Photo Credit- indiewire. com