Tag: Joe Biden

Total 26 Posts

The 12th Amendment Option

Amid the bedlam of the campaigning for the 2024 Presidential Election, the race remains tight and victory is by no means assured to either candidate. But what if there is a tie in the Electoral College? What then? The 12th Amendment?

So Many Questions, So Little Trust

The lack of transparency and even stonewalling in the official investigation of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump has left so many unanswered questions. This dearth of information raises other questions about whether we should trust the investigation's results.

Franklin. Feynman. Freedom.

On this Independence Day we celebrate the founding of a republic that guarantees certain rights and freedoms. One of those freedoms is the freedom to be wrong, to have doubts, to question authority yes to be a petulant ignoramus.

R.I.P. "Latinx"

Despite being around and codified in dictionaries, the word "Latinx" (a gender-neutral term for Latina/Latino) has not caught on. Save for a small group of activists and academics, the term has not gained popularity. Why is that?
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