I don’t know if you’ve seen it, but, if you haven’t, you’ve absolutely should. Insufferable CNN Democrat shill, Kaitlan (naturally) Collins recently appeared on the equally insufferable Big Pharma shill, Stephen Colbert’s, The Late Show (appropriately named as it’s been dead from its inception).

While discussing CNN’s coverage of the election, Colbert opined,” I know you guys are objective over there. That you just report the news as it is.” Immediately, however, the audience – bless every man Jack of them! – burst out in laughter, to Colbert’s absolute astonishment, making it the first unforced laugh in the show’s history!

At long last, we proles seem to be snapping out of our woke stupor and are (mirabile dictu) hitting back at our loony elites with what is perhaps the only appropriate response: derisive laughter. And the fact that Kaitlan and Stephen and the entire Wokenik army lack the self-awareness to know just how ridiculous they are, adds a bumbling Chief(!) Inspector Clouseau level of hilarity to all that they say and do.

Take, for example, the wacky elites who are now running the Biden-Harris State Department. After Comrade Maduro, Venezuela’s tyrant for life, recently (quelle surprise) stole yet another election, Secretary of State, Antony “Nero with a Stratocaster” Blinken denied the election results and issued a statement congratulating the opposition party candidate, Edmundo Urrutia, on his victory. and He concluded, “We fully support the process of re-establishing democratic norms in Venezuela and stand ready to consider ways to bolster it jointly with our international partners.” Maduro’s administration rejected the US statement, calling it "ridiculous."

Actually, in light of the democratic norms-destroying lawfare that was unleashed against Donald Trump this year, a more appropriate operative word is “hilarious.” For this administration to disparage another country’s election is like having Seinfeld's Elaine Benes criticize your dance moves.

The fact that the Biden-Harris administration thinks America still has the moral authority to question Venezuela’s election is Clouseau-like in its cluelessness. It makes you wonder what might be next. For, example, will the administration offers Retired (good riddance!) Army General Mark “Milquetoast” Milley “The Taliban’s Fairy Godmother” and Kamala “The Last Person in the Room” Harris to the Russians in order to help them execute an orderly retreat from Ukraine? Or perhaps they will offer Border Czarina Kamala to help the Brits with their own unique illegal immigration issues?

Let us now consider the absurdity of Trump’s recent criminal conviction in New York. According to the Michigan Law Review, The Code of Criminal Procedure of the Soviet Union, Articles 235 and 129, specified, “The indictment must be presented to the accused within 48 hours after it has been prepared by the preliminary examiner, and not less than 72 hours before trial. It must contain the circumstances of the crime insofar as the examiner has been able to determine them and the statement of the Articles of the Criminal Code under which the charge is brought.”

The Trump indictment completely failed to name the “other crime” Trump was allegedly concealing by falsifying business records. Therefore, he appeared for trial without being told what crime he’d have to defend himself against. Imagine, for a moment, the sheer absurdity of that position.

According to former Manhattan federal prosecutor, Andy McCarthy, “When it comes to due process, it is about as basic as it gets that, to be sufficient, penal statutes and indictments must put people on notice of, respectively, what conduct has been proscribed and what proscribed conduct has been charged.”

To summarize: Trump, in effect, received less due process notice in a 2024 Manhattan courtroom than he would have received in a 1950 Moscow courtroom (or a 2024 Chinese courtroom).

The purpose of the trial was, obviously, to deter people from voting for – and how many million more times are we going to hear this phrase between now and election day? – “a convicted felon." And, as if that weren’t grotesque enough, the horrific specter of imprisonment now looms, based on specious (according to no less than CNN’s Fareed Zakaria and former Democrat New York Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo) charges, for the presidential nominee of a major political party, an act of sheer madness that is unparalleled in American history. Maduro and Xi would surely be proud. And Stalin would no doubt have been impressed.

There are some obvious questions about the Democrats’ monstrous election interference that no one seems interested in asking:

How will Republicans react when, sometime after Trump’s defeat, an appellate court reverses his conviction, as will necessarily happen, and issues a written opinion detailing the vile corruption of the kangaroo court that fabricated it? What will Republicans do then as they watch are in the process of watching Kamala’s ruinous economic, tax, border, foreign, law enforcement, and environmental policies continue to tear our country apart?

Because Trump’s policies are only mainstream “conservative,” is there any reason to believe that in future elections the Democrats won’t perceive any Republican candidate as “an existential threat to Democracy” and engage in similar, tyrannical election interference? What happens to our country then?

Maybe these guys aren’t quite as funny as I first thought.

Photo Credit- UK Daily Mail.