In Texas, as it is in heaven, you can drive on the beach.

One recent, gorgeous morning, I parked my car out on the beach to check out the surf. As I glanced to my left. A lone, thirty-something woman was strapping a pink, cake-shaped hat with two fake candles onto her small dog’s head. She forced the dog into a sitting position, backed away, beamed, and began taking pictures of it against the shimmering backdrop of the Gulf of Mexico.

I then looked to my right and watched a lone, thirty-something man open the liftgate of his SUV and free his three, large, long-legged, feral dogs to bound leashlessly around the beach. After briefly snapping at each other, the pack began jumping on terrified passersby as their owner smiled on in loving, devoted, prideful satisfaction.

After a brief bout with my always disastrous matchmaking instincts, it occurred to me that, suddenly, pets have become to us as cows are to India. So much so, that even the way too fascinating pope has had enough. Last year, he upbraided a woman who asked him to bless her baby, only to present him with her small dog. The pope refused to bless it, and then proceeded to complain to the world how it appears that pets are now in the process of replacing children.

As I continued to watch the frenzied dogs pounce on vacationing families out for relaxing strolls, I remembered Chesterton’s warning, “Wherever there is Animal Worship there is human sacrifice.” This provides an interesting comment to highlight how a nation that currently spends $136.8 billion per year on its pets is simultaneously aborting over a million babies a year.

Being Weird is Better than Being Creepy

I do realize, though, that pointing out the aforementioned facts puts me, along with J.D. Vance, squarely in the “weird” camp.

Whatever, I'd rather be weird than creepy.

And creepy is what the cat ladies who run the Democratic Party and the current administration are. Just take a few minutes to step back and ponder the strange or "creepy" things they’ve done recently: creating a lawless open, chaotic border rife with human and narcotics trafficking; ignoring the science by permitting people with XY chromosomes to compete against, defeat and sometimes injure their female competitors; ignoring the science by allowing “gender-affirming care” for minors; working further to ignore the science by enshrining Roe v. Wade into federal law; ignoring the applicable climate science and hamstringing job creation and our economy in the process;  ignoring reality by reducing police funding in our Bedlam-like big cities; and all the rest of their outrageously deranged agenda.

But, as creepy as all that is, Kamala is still likely to win in November. After having to wait four, “fishy” days for the results of the 2020 presidential election, and after watching in real-time the disappearance of The Great Red Tsunami of 2022, I’ve come to the bitter realization that while Republicans occasionally win polls; Democrats win elections.

Also, like 55 percent of Americans, (and  every Republican I know), I’m not highly confident at this point that 2024 election votes will be counted accurately. I’ll still go to the polls for the Norman Rockwell of the thing, but so long as the American Machiavelli, Barack Obama (the only president since a dying Woodrow Wilson to remain in D.C. after their term expired), is on their side, and perky, nepo in-law, Lara Trump, is on ours, we’re doomed. (And as a consequence, Obama and his Chicago cohorts will thereby have installed two consecutive insentient presidents. Thanks.)

And Kamala’s ultimately made it very clear that she thinks deplorables, like me, are weird, principally because we’re opposed to abortion, the issue that’s set to rocket her from a historic laughingstock to the main resident of the White House. So, now that Kamala and I are going to be locked together in a Sartrean hell for at least the next four years, I’d like to try to explain to our future cat lady in chief why I oppose abortion, which (wait for it, Barack…) has nothing to do with me bitterly clinging to my Bible.

So, here goes nothing: Kamala, if you Google, “Scientific consensus for when does human life begin,” the first result (strange that Google allows it) is an article from the National Institute of Health which states that 96 percent of biologists from 1,058 academic institutions around the world affirm that human life begins at fertilization. I know, for purposes of power, you can’t admit it, but human lives are what abortions terminate.

And that’s why it was so eye-poppingly truthful when another cat lady and commentator and PETA Board member, Bill Maher, recently said that pro-lifers think abortion is murder, and he readily agreed with them, explaining, “It kind of is. I’m just okay with that. I am. I mean, there’s eight billion people in the world. I’m sorry. We won’t miss you. That’s my position.”

That’s Creepy, Right?

This is exactly what makes abortion the perfect civil rights violation: We won’t miss them because there’s no present-day Elie Wiesel around to protest their genocide. It’s easy for us though, who managed to make it out alive through that “zone of interest” we now refer to as “women’s reproductive health,” to thumbs-down the million voiceless kids per year who perish, and then disappear without a trace, into a stream of medical waste.

Apparently to Kamala, it’s cowardly to think about abortion in the abstract: the taking of “a human life.” But she should have the guts to focus on the particular: the value of our own life. What’s it been worth to play with, joke around, and hang out with our friends; go to school; to travel; to experience our family’s and friends’ love for us, so we can return it back to them. What’s it been worth to us to fall in love; to persevere through the ups, downs and daily grind of child-rearing and work; to comfort a dying loved one, and to bear the grief of their eventual death.

What’s all that actually worth? Infinitely much. And that’s why every child lost to abortion diminishes the universe infinitely.

So I expect that you’ll respond by saying that banning abortion is a horrendous infringement on a woman’s right to control her own body.

I totally get it. But my response is, “What is it that you are trying to do here; destroy the economy of the South?” Kamala, I know none of the above will bridge the Grand Canyon between us, but this proud weirdo had to take a stand.

Photo Credit- reddit and CNN