Other than us lowly deplorables, is anybody on Donald Trump’s side?

It’s one thing for our monotonal media, kooky academia, cult-like corporations, the soulless soul stealers of Silicon Valley, and every billionaire in America (save one) to be in hysterical opposition to Trump. But it’s quite another for our conservative thought leaders to pile on as the Republican candidate sits bleeding – does anyone remember the first assassination attempt? – similar to the famous scene where the boxer-hero Rocky rasped out from his corner, “Cut me, Mick! Cut me!”

As joyfully reported by The New York Times, on September 18th, “More than one hundred former national security officials from Republican administrations and former Republican members of Congress endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday after concluding that their party’s nominee, Donald J. Trump is ‘unfit to serve again as president.’” The signatories of the letter included former members of Congress, defense secretaries, and C.I.A. directors.

They join former Democrat Godzilla and current Democrat darling, Dick Cheney, and his unendurable daughter, Liz “The Tsunami of Sanctimony” Cheney, in endorsing Harris. Unable to support Trump, George W. Bush has said he will not endorse a presidential candidate this cycle. Meanwhile, National Review and The Dispatch continue pecking prissily away at Trump’s ankles.

Apparently, there is something about Trump that drives the conservative elites stark raving mad. And the fact that Trump governed as a more conventional conservative argues strongly that their objections to him are not political; they’re stylistic. Except, of course, for January 6th.

There is no defense for January 6th. But I do ask, when considering Trump’s culpability, conservative elites should soberly consider everything that we have since learned about that day and the days leading up to it. I’d also ask that they contrast Trump’s actions on January 6th with the creepy, wide-eyed bloodlust that Vice-president Harris unashamedly exhibited as major American cities were looted and put to the torch by rioters inspired by the BLM movement. If you’re at all comfortable with that person occupying the Oval Office, it’s time to turn in your conservative credentials, much like David French.

But there’s another more recent video that should be viewed – especially by conservative elites – in its eleven-minute entirety. It’s a September 13th interview that Harris did with a local Philadelphia news anchor. Any fair evaluation of it leads to the conclusion that she is now impaired.

If that interview is not enough to convince you, her current impairment really pops when you compare it to this word salad-free, coherent 2020 Harris interview. It’s night and day compared to the 2024 Kamala. She appears to be in the throes of some type of a severe and mysterious impairment that’s arisen over the last four years.

Here’s what I think the Democrats are up to: They learned with Joe Biden that if you surround an insentient person with all the trappings of presidential authority – the White House, Air Force One, secret service agents, etc. – people can be fooled into believing – despite the evidence of their own eyes – that the person is capable of being president.

They are now repeating that playbook with Harris: They’re surrounding her with all the trappings of a presidential candidate to fool us into disbelieving the open and obvious truth: she’s, in one way or another impaired and therefore not capable of serving as president.

Try this thought experiment: Take Harris out of that television studio and away from the tender ministrations of a fawning local media apparatchik. Instead, imagine you’re talking to her at a late-night, upscale bar as she clinks her empty highball glass with a long, blood red fingernail and winks at the hunky bartender. Would you ever think – for a second – that she wasn’t at least mildly impaired?

Americans spent the last four years watching Weekend at Bernie’s. If Harris is elected, we’ll spend the next four watching Trainwreck.

Last week, the Harris campaign explained she’s not fielding questions from the press because she’s a “very busy person” (as if no one else in America is busy). No one should believe that a candidate who completely avoided the intense scrutiny and multiple debates of the primaries and whose policies are, to put it mildly, slippery, is too “busy” to subject herself to a formal press conference. They’re hiding her significant shortcomings – just as they hid Biden’s.

Who is the mastermind behind this scheme? My theory is Barack “The American Machiavelli” Obama – the only president since a dying Woodrow Wilson not to leave D.C. after his term expired. I believe he meant it when he said in an interview that he’d be interested in a third term if he could have a stand-in president with an earpiece who would simply repeat his lines. Of course, he’d need an insentient or impaired stand-in president (or presidents) to do that: Thus, I give you, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

If you find that scenario hard to believe, then consider these unprecedented events that had to be orchestrated for Harris, the least popular candidate among Democrats just a few short years ago in 2020, to win the Democrat nomination in 2024: The Putin-style lawfare against Trump that was instituted to ensure a “weak” candidate would oppose Harris; and the slow destruction of Biden’s reputation just prior to Harris’s elevation. This was highlighted by Obama guiding poor, lost, Joe off a fundraiser stage, and culminated a few days later in a catastrophic performance in the earliest debate in American history (by three months(!!)), which allowed sufficient time before the convention for Biden to be removed and Harris to be gifted a nomination she could never have won at the ballot box. Finally, and most tellingly of all, in a move that was too clever by half, Obama was publicly one of the last prominent Democrats to endorse Harris.

If Trump ends up losing a close election to an impaired, ultra-leftist candidate due to abortion drunk wokesters and auto-tuned Swifties, well, that’s politics, and deplorables will have to cope with the horrendous damage Harris/Obama will inflict on America over the next four years. But if we lose because our conservative elites irrationally refused to heed Bill Buckley’s wise dictum – to make sure that we support the most viable conservative candidate – then they deserve to be dispatched to the political wilderness – forever.

Photo Credit- Newsweek