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J. Antonio Juarez

Total 115 Posts -- West St. Paul, MN
J. Antonio Juarez holds a B.A. in Theology and is a Senior Editor at The Everyman, part-time freelance writer and short-story author. His works have appeared in The Federalist & The Maccabee Society.

And So Begins Our 40 Days.

Today is Ash Wednesday and begins the season of Lent. It is a time to pray, fast, and almsgiving. But it is also a time to make changes in our life to stave off the temptations that will come at us during this liturgical season.

The Passion of Ghislaine Maxwell

As the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell draws to a close, there is little doubt as to her fate: she will be made to pay for her crimes. But her condemnation should make all of us re-examine how we view her crimes on a personal and societal level
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